Unity None [Translation Request] MonsterGirlCastle [RJ191048] [sea side Atelier]


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2020
ENG Title: MonsterGirlCastle
JP Title: I don't know if it has one, honestly. It came up as "MonsterGirlCastle" on DLSite even without translating.
Developer Website:
Language: Japanese
1697817828599.png 1697817834713.png 1697817840024.png

Apologies for low detail post. Haven't done this before so am not sure exactly what to put. Game seems neat, would like a translation for it so I can understand what's being said. Reason I'm asking is because it seems like the auto-translator doesn't work, unless I fucked something up somehow.
Also haven't found a full download, only the DLSite demo unfortunately. Though admittedly I don't know the best places to look. So if anyone finds it, letting me know would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2020
I've checked the other sites I know of and I haven't managed to find a full copy of this game. I don't suppose anyone who perhaps stumbles upon this thread may coincidentally have one?
Bedta had one but all the links are dead (I've requested a reupload a while ago but heard nothing so far), sukebei had one but no one is seeding (I'm going to keep my torrent running just in case someone miraculously decides to start), otomi, kimochi, and fff didn't have it at all.
I don't really want to say I'm begging, but...
Yeah, no, this is absolutely begging. SHAMELESS begging, at that.